Warning: session_set_save_handler(): Cannot change save handler when session is active in /data/d/b/dbffb198-516e-42c8-bb3f-83b60f9cd9cc/opencartel.eu/web/system/library/session.php on line 16
Attribute Custom Multilanguage Units
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Attribute Custom Multilanguage Units

  • free


Attribute Custom Multilanguage Units (VQMOD)

Support: support@dotbox.sk

What it does
Whit this extension you can create various custom units for attributes, or create a Multilanguage units if needed. It is useful on product specification heavy sites, where you specify the unit for the attribute and it is automatically added to the frontend and backend.


http://zxp.dotbox.sk/admin (guest/guest)

front end DEMO

Vqmod Module 2.2.1 (or last version, see below)


See documentation tab...

If You like our work, we would be super happy if you could support us with a small donation and help us to provide more awesome free extensions to you all.

The mod is released via vqmod, thus avoiding changes to core files OpenCart and easier maintenance (and possible rollback).


1) Install vqmod following its instructions if you do not already have it (download http://vqmod.com/pages/download.php)

2) Copy the xml script in your vqmod/xml folder.

For a rollback of the installation, you simply need to remove the file extension in vqmod/xml.

@converted to OC 2 system - by Richard Vošický

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